Today, you might come across social media posts or news articles celebrating "Indigenous Peoples' Day," and you may be curious about what it is or means. For us at Native Children's Survival, Indigenous Peoples' Day presents an opportunity for people around the world to show their support and Stand in Solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala (the Americas).
This day emanates from an Indigenous movement to redress false narratives of discovery and the pain and trauma caused by Columbus Day, which has long been a day of mourning for the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala.
In 1977, an Indigenous delegation at the United Nations International Conference on Discrimination initiated the step forward. Russell Means, a leader of the American Indian Movement and International Indian Treaty Council, gave the keynote address at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, followed by more than a hundred Indigenous representatives. The Final Resolution of the conference, also known as the 'Programme of Actions,' called for the recognition of October 12th, the day of the "so-called" discovery, as an International Day of Solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas.
This year, ahead of Indigenous Peoples' Day, Native organizers, Tewa community members, women, and elders held sacred ceremonies and peacefully protested the reinstatement of a statue honoring Spanish conquistador, Juan de Oñate, in their territory. During the rally, James Johns, a Hopi and Akimel O'odham father, artist, and activist, was shot in the chest and remains in critical condition. The shooter, wearing a red MAGA hat, was apprehended by tribal police.
Further down the Rio Grande, along the US-Mexico border, and throughout Abya Yala, Indigenous Peoples continue to face the adverse horror of colonialism, systemic marginalization, and injustice. Incidents of racism and violence are constant reminders of the oppressive and destructive history left by European explorers like Columbus and Oñate.
On October 11, 2021, the Biden administration became the first foreign government to recognize Indigenous Peoples' Day officially. However, Indigenous Peoples still face unjust treatment and killing, racial inequity, and incarceration at the hands of foreign governments.
Over the years, the movement to redress Columbas Day with a day of support, celebration, and solidarity with Indigenous Peoples has grown stronger. In 1989, South Dakota became the first U.S. State to rename Columbus Day.
Red Thunder (Robby Romero, left) with Bonnie Raitt. Saturday, October 10, 1992, All Our Colors Benefit Concert, Shoreline Amphitheater. The Encyclopedia of Native Music / Photo by Agnes Patak
In 1992, the Bay Area Indian Alliance convinced the city council of Berkeley, California, to designate October 12th as a "Day of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples." This decision marked the first time a United States city had replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day, making Berkeley an example for other cities to follow.
Currently, over 130 cities in the United States have adopted the practice of recognizing Indigenous Peoples' Day, inspired by the initiative taken by Berkeley. The District of Columbia and 14 states now celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day instead of, or in addition to, Columbus Day.
On this Indigenous Peoples' Day, we join together in celebrating our communities, cultures, and shared histories. We commemorate the efforts of those who initiated the movement to replace Columbus Day with this day, and we stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers who are working to end the violence of poverty, despair, and displacement. Indeed, this day is an opportunity for the international community and all our relatives to honor our heritage and continue advocating for a brighter future for Indigenous Peoples.
Join the celebration. Check your state and city for events. If they have none, encourage your municipality to join the movement to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Visit our VILLAGE MARKET BOOK STORE. We've curated a collection of Native Literature to help fill in the blanks of American His-Story.
#WeAreIndigenous #IndigenousPeoplesDay